This is Arunshree

Superfoods from Konkan

Arunshree Farm Foods is proud to bring to you the best quality superfoods from the Konkan. Our products are designed to suit the local taste palates of Vegetarians and Vegans alike. Supreme in quality. Loved by everyone. Made with care and hygiene.

Our Products

Boost your mood with…

Crunchy, crispy and nutritious Cashew nuts and Cashew butter; Refreshing Kokum Aagal (salty concentrate); Nutraceutical Kokum Butter; Fresh and Juicy Kokum Amsul.

Our Vision

To provide the consumer with quality ‘Super Foods’ and health enriching wellness solutions.

Our Mission

To make available, regional fruits and nuts to people throughout the year.

Heart health

Promote weight loss

Farm fresh

Immunity booster

Rich in nutrients

Pocket friendly

Natural flavours

Native produce


What People Say
About Us

All the products of Arunshree are simply super. The quality is awesome. The cashews are the sweetest I have ever eaten...and we consume a lot at home. The cashew butter was delicious. Well done! Team Arunshree. Do keep adding new products to your range.
Kanchan Bolinjkar
Powai, Mumbai
मी व माझे कुटुंबीय 'अरूणश्री' च्या वस्तुंचे अतिशय समाधानी ग्राहक आहोत . त्यांच्याकडे काजू, कोकण, फणसाचे गरे इत्यादि वस्तु नेहमीच उत्तम श्रेणीचे असतात आणि त्यांच्या किंमतीहि किफायतशीर असतात .

"म्हणूनच म्हणावंसं वाटतं , अरूणश्रीचा कोकणचा मेवा , सर्वांनी घ्यावा ."
Urmila Patankar
Vikhroli, Mumbai
Good products...uncompromising quality and purely organic. Products are the best for giving as take-away or return gifts as well as for one to use. Thanks Anushree Farm foods
Vidya Nirokhekar
Mahatmanagar, Nashik
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